WU Wei, NI Bing, LIU Zhuang-zhuang. Thermodynamic calculation and experimental study of de-titanium in hot metal pretreatment[J]. Chinese Journal of Engineering, 2011, 33(S1): 25-28. DOI: 10.13374/j.issn1001-053x.2011.s1.011
Citation: WU Wei, NI Bing, LIU Zhuang-zhuang. Thermodynamic calculation and experimental study of de-titanium in hot metal pretreatment[J]. Chinese Journal of Engineering, 2011, 33(S1): 25-28. DOI: 10.13374/j.issn1001-053x.2011.s1.011

Thermodynamic calculation and experimental study of de-titanium in hot metal pretreatment

  • De-titanium of hot metal pretreatment has been applied in the metallurgy industry. Carbon,silicon,manganese,and phosphorus may be oxidized during the process of de-titanium. The thermodynamic calculation and thermal simulation experiment show that low temperature is beneficial for the de-titanium reaction. The content of silicon in hot metal declines proportionally to the content of titanium,while the contents of carbon and manganese change little. The oxidization of carbon in hot metal depends on the temperature,and the higher the temperature,the easier the oxidization of carbon. To remove more titanium,a lower content of silicon and a lower temperature of hot metal are requisite. Apart from these,it also needs to control the oxidation of carbon.
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