
Experimental study on corrosion of 3D-printed bolts based on metal powder in simulated mine water

  • 摘要: 煤矿矿井中受地下水侵蚀及开采环境影响,锚杆易发生腐蚀甚至断裂,利用3D打印技术的优势研究不同材质锚杆的抗腐蚀性能对实现3D打印技术在矿井中的应用具有重要意义. 采用电化学加速腐蚀方法,研究了不锈钢(SS)、模具钢(DS)和铝合金(AL)三种不同金属粉末组成的3D打印锚杆和真实锚杆(TB)在模拟矿井水环境中的腐蚀速率变化规律、物相、形貌结构及拉伸力学性能. 结果表明:腐蚀前3DSS锚杆的抗拉强度和延伸性能与TB锚杆最相似;3DDS锚杆的腐蚀速率和单位质量腐蚀率在每个阶段都高于其他锚杆,而3DSS锚杆则最低;3D打印锚杆和真实锚杆表面均发生了不同程度的腐蚀,3DSS锚杆表面只产生了局部腐蚀,3DDS锚杆、3DAL锚杆和TB锚杆的原表面形貌基本被腐蚀破坏,产生了较严重的腐蚀;TB锚杆、3DSS锚杆和3DDS锚杆的腐蚀产物相似,主要由Fe2O3、Fe3O4、FeOOH等物相组成,而3DAl锚杆的腐蚀产物仅有Al2O3、Al(OH)3;3D打印锚杆和真实锚杆腐蚀后的抗拉强度和断后伸长率均有不同程度的下降,腐蚀对于TB锚杆的抗拉强度和断后伸长率影响较小,3DSS锚杆的抗拉强度和延伸性能在腐蚀后下降最多. 研究结果可为今后3D打印锚杆在矿井腐蚀环境下支护设计和长期稳定性评价提供理论参考.


    Abstract: Coal has long been central to China’s energy strategy, with bolt support playing a crucial role in mining operations. As mining depths increase, more challenging conditions emerge, including corrosive underground environments marked by water, high temperatures, humidity, and sulfur-containing media. These factors heighten the demand for durable bolt support systems. Groundwater erosion and mining activities can lead to bolt corrosion and even breakage, making it necessary to develop and study new types of corrosion-resistant bolts. Indoor similarity tests are often used to simulate real bolts, but selecting materials that do not accurately match the mechanical properties and structure of actual bolts can lead to inconsistent results. 3D printing technology enables rapid prototyping and mass production of complex structures with high consistency. The technology offers a high degree of creative freedom, precision, quality, and the ability to create a new type of corrosion-resistant anchors. Investigating the corrosion resistance of bolts made from different materials using 3D printing is crucial for advancing its application in mining. This study utilized electrochemical acceleration methods to assess the corrosion rates, phase compositions, morphological structures, and tensile mechanical properties of 3D-printed bolts made from three different metal powders—stainless steel (SS), die steel (DS), and aluminum alloy (AL)—in a simulated mine water environment, as well as traditional bolts (TBs). The results indicate that, before corrosion, the tensile strength and ductility of 3D-printed SS bolts are closest to those of TBs. The 3D-printed DS bolts have higher corrosion rates and mass-specific corrosion rates at all stages compared to other bolts, while 3D-printed SS bolts exhibit the lowest rates. Both 3D-printed and TB bolts experience varying degrees of corrosion on their surfaces. The surface of 3D-printed SS bolts exhibits only local corrosion, whereas the original surface morphology of 3D-printed DS, AL, and TBs is substantially corroded, resulting in more severe corrosion. The corrosion products of TBs, 3D-printed SS, and 3D-printed DS bolts are similar, mainly composed of Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and FeOOH phases. By contrast, the corrosion products of 3DAL bolts consist solely of Al2O3 and Al(OH)3. After corrosion, the tensile strength and elongation at break of both 3D-printed and TBs decrease to various extents. Corrosion weakly affects the tensile strength and elongation of TBs, whereas 3D-printed SS bolts experience the most significant reduction in tensile strength and ductility after corrosion. The research findings offer valuable insights for designing and assessing the long-term stability of 3D-printed bolts in corrosive mining environments.


