
Some Characteristics and Law of Button Bit Wear

  • 摘要: 根据对现场调查结果的分析,建立了钻头上硬质合金齿磨损体积与其摩擦速度、钻头寿命与合金齿磨损等一系列基本关系。实测与分析结果表明,硬质合金齿的磨损不仅影响钻头寿命,而且影响凿岩速度;钻头修磨不仅会提高钻头寿命,而且会显著增加凿岩速度。最后指出,在不明显影响凿岩效率的前提下应尽量降低钻机转速。


    Abstract: An investigaton on in-situ indicated that the failures of button bits were obviously controlled by their weares. Based on above investigation, a few basic relations between the wear volumes of tungsten carbide bit buttons and move speeds, between bit lives and button weares, etc were obtained. The investigated results showed that weares of bit buttons affected not only bit lives but drilling efficiency, and the trimming for used bits increased not only bit lives but drilling velocity.


