Effect of Gas Blowing on Copper Removal from Ferrous Scrap with Sulphide Matte
摘要: 在热力学计算及动力学条件分析基础上,提出了向硫化物熔体中吹入具有一定氧分压的气体以提高固体废钢脱铜效果的方法.氩气搅拌及静态实验对比结果表明,在熔渣组元质量分数为FeS-70%,Na2S-30%,950℃下在反应初期氩气搅拌可明显地提高脱铜速度.这是因为氩气搅拌提高了物质的扩散速度.Abstract: An novel approach has been proposed for treating solid ferrous scrap with sulphide matte by blowing the gas with a controlled low oxygen pressure to promote the removal of copper. It has been proved by comparison of the result of the experiment by blowing argon at 950℃ with those of the static experiments that argon stirring can remark-ably increase the rate of copper removal at the initial stage of the treatment, for the matte of 70% FeS and 30% (mass fraction).