调质工艺对590 MPa级钢板力学性能的影响

Quenching-tempering Process Effect on Microstructure and Properties of 590 MPa High Strength Thick Plate

  • 摘要: 针对590 MPa级工程机械用高强度厚钢板的调质工艺进行实验室条件下的系统研究,得到适应不同成分的钢板的淬火一回火工艺制度,即淬火温度910~920℃,回火温度为550~580℃.在该工艺制度下,该钢种可获得符合使用要求的综合力学性能指标.


    Abstract: A new quenching-tempering technology system is gotten, in which the quenching temperature is about 910~920℃ and the tempering temperature is about 550~580℃. With using this technology, the mechanical properties of the 590 MPa high strength thick plate are better satisfaction for the using demand. The new technology system is available for the steel plate of different composition.


