1000 MPa级冷轧双相钢奥氏体的等时相变动力学

Austenite isochronal transformation kinetics of 1000 MPa cold rolled dual phase steel

  • 摘要: 在DIL 805A膨胀仪上测定了1000 MPa级冷轧双相钢在连续加热过程中的热膨胀曲线.根据杠杆定律得到的奥氏体体积分数的计算值与定量金相测量值符合较好.奥氏体的等时相变动力学可以很好地由JMAK形式的方程描述.文中还分析了冷轧压下率和加热速度对奥氏体等时相变动力学的影响,探讨了连续加热奥氏体相变过程中相界面的平衡状态.


    Abstract: The thermal expansion curves of 1000 MPa cold rolled dual phase steel during continuous heating were tested on a DIL805A dilatometer. The volume fraction of austenite in the steel was calculated by the lever rule method, and it is in good agreement with the result of quantitative metallography. The JMAK equation can predict the austenite isochronal transformation kinetics quite well. The influence of cold rolling reduction and heating rate on austenite isochronal transformation kinetics was also investigated. Finally, the equilibrium condition of phase interfaces during transformation was studied by thermodynamic calculation.


