
Shear resistance behavior of vertically stiffened steel plate shear walls

  • 摘要: 用ANSYS有限元程序对两边连接竖向加劲式钢板剪力墙进行数值模拟分析.将两边连接竖向加劲式钢板剪力墙的初始刚度的有限元计算值与两边连接非加劲钢板剪力墙的理论值进行了比较.探讨了加劲肋和名义轴压比对于钢板墙的影响.分析了带边框构件的两边连接竖向加劲式钢板剪力墙在水平荷载作用下的构件破坏顺序和受力机制.对一个典型尺寸规格的单层带边框两边连接竖向加劲式钢板剪力墙与一个对应边框尺寸规格的单层带边框四边连接竖向加劲式钢板剪力墙进行推覆分析,对比了两者的部分抗震性能.


    Abstract: The numerical simulation of vertically stiffened steel plate shear wails (SPSWs) with two-side connections was performed with ANSYS software. A comparison was made between the theoretic initial stiffness of un-stiffened SPSWs with two-side connections and the initial stiffness of vertically stiffened SPSWs with two-side connections cal-culated by the finite element method. The effects of stiffeners and axial compression ratio on SPSWs were studied elementarily. Under shear force, the mechanism and destroying order of members in two-side connected SPSWs with boundary frame members were studied. Push-over analysis was made both in vertically stiffened SPSWs with two-side connections and with four-side connections, whose boundary frame members were designed to be the same. Some seismic performances of these two kinds of SPSWs were compared.


