
A survey of data-driven fault-diagnosis methods for large-scale industrial production processes

  • 摘要: 聚焦于大规模工业生产过程智能化、精准化和多源化的需求,故障诊断对保障工业生产过程的安全可靠运行与实时有效维护具有重要意义. 数据驱动方法作为一种创新范式,通过融合历史数据、实时数据以及多源信息,避免了对精确模型的依赖,能够有效提升故障检测与识别的准确率和效率. 首先,本文梳理了数据驱动框架下的故障诊断方法,着重探讨了信号处理、统计模式识别、多元统计等系统稳态特性分析方法,并针对系统的动态、非线性和非高斯分布等复杂特性,进一步综述了动态多元统计、子空间辨识、深度学习和核空间投影等故障诊断方法. 其次,介绍了大规模工业生产过程的分布式故障诊断方法. 从系统的分布式结构和分布式传感器网络出发,分别阐述了该方法在系统分解和数据融合、相关性分析以及一致性方法等三个方面的最新进展. 分布式故障诊断方法将监测职能分散到各子单元,使各子单元可根据自身及相邻子单元的运行状态自行做出安全性能判断,在大规模工业生产过程的监测和故障诊断中具有优势. 最后,总结了数据驱动的分布式故障诊断方法的实际应用,并指出其在定性定量混合分析、鲁棒性诊断和数据安全等方面的发展趋势.


    Abstract: Fault diagnosis for large-scale industrial production systems has attracted considerable research interest in response to the complex, multisource, and precision requirements of these processes. Fault diagnosis is crucial for the safe, reliable, and real-time maintenance of industrial production processes. This work presents a comprehensive survey of fault-diagnosis methods and emphasizes two cornerstone strategies: data-driven paradigms and distributed methods. Traditional fault-diagnosis methods based on mechanism have limited applications because precise modeling of the systems considered is required. Data-driven approaches avoid the dependence on precise modeling; thus, the research focus on fault diagnosis for industrial production processes has gradually shifted from mechanism-based to data-driven methods that integrate historical data, real-time data, and multisource information to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the fault detection and identification approaches. A comprehensive overview of data-driven fault-diagnosis methods is given in the first part of this work. Specifically, smooth data from industrial processes is collected and used for fault diagnosis. The internal state variables may continuously change, and accompanied with time correlation among the process measurements. Integrating data-driven and dynamic analyses, necessitated by the dynamic nature of the process variables, offers a more accurate representation of system behavior. This can be achieved through the introduction of time-series modeling in basic multivariate statistics and the capture of dynamic properties by subspace identification. Furthermore, deep learning and kernel methods address nonlinearity, and non-Gaussian traits are tackled by independent component analysis (ICA) and other methods. Second, distributed fault-diagnosis methods for large-scale industrial production processes are reviewed. The usual fault-diagnosis methods for large-scale systems rely on centralized sensor network monitoring. Centralization necessitates consolidated data processing, which can create immense computational stress. Applying distributed fault-diagnosis methods spreads the monitoring capacities among all the subsystems, enabling each subsystem to independently assess its safety and performance based on its own data and interactions with neighboring subsystems. The latest advances in system decomposition and data fusion, correlation analysis, and consensus mechanisms are elaborated on subsystems based on the distributed structure and sensor networks in large-scale systems. System decomposition focuses on the local features of each subsystem although adopting a purely subsystem-centric approach to data processing often leans toward decentralization, in contrast to the essence of distribution. Thus, the effective integration of data is critical for achieving comprehensive information about large-scale systems. Correlation analysis examines the intricate relationships among subsystems or nodes. It elucidates mutual interactions and uncovers dependencies and influences. Meanwhile, consensus analysis focuses on the communication topology of the nodes, ensuring that all nodes converge to a unified data state at any instant. Finally, the practical applications for evaluating the performance of distributed data-driven fault-diagnosis methods are summarized. The potential trends are also highlighted, including qualitative and quantitative methods integration, improved diagnosis robustness, and data security assurance.


