
Research on sealing and zero leakage mechanism of high pressure large size main drive based on active pressure compensation

  • 摘要: 竖井全断面掘进机在掘进作业时可能会穿越富水岩层,其主驱动系统将面临突发涌水导致的高压泥浆载荷冲击,对系统密封可靠性提出了严苛要求。本文提出基于主动压力补偿的新型主驱动密封方法,结合逾渗理论和GW接触模型提出零泄漏密封评价标准,建立了微观与宏观尺度密封结构模型,开展了不同补偿压力和外部载荷作用下的密封特性试验研究,揭示了外腔压力与补偿压力共同作用下的密封性能演变机制。结果表明,考虑接触表面微观形貌对密封的影响,实现零泄漏密封需接触面间发生有效接触,接触应力突破逾渗阈值后开始产生密封效果,且密封能力随接触应力的增加而提高;在较高围压下,新型主驱动密封结构表现出较好密封能力,在补偿压力为7MPa时密封压力最高达到1.95MPa;同时,分析显示接触面滑移与基体下沉作用对密封效果影响显著,实践中预先进行压力补偿可以有效提高密封性能。


    Abstract: The main drive system of the shaft full face boring machine may face the impact of high pressure mud load caused by sudden water gushing, which puts forward strict requirements on the reliability of the system seal. In this paper, a new main drive sealing method based on active pressure compensation is proposed, zero leakage sealing evaluation criteria is proposed in combination with percolation theory and GW contact model, and micro and macro scale sealing structure models are established. Experimental studies on sealing characteristics under different compensatory pressures and external loads are carried out to reveal the evolution mechanism of sealing performance under the combined action of external cavity pressure and compensatory pressure. The results show that in order to achieve zero-leakage sealing, it needs effective contact between contact surfaces, and the sealing effect begins to occur after the contact stress breaks through the percolation threshold, and the subsequent increase in sealing capacity gradually tends to be synchronized with the increase in contact stress. Under higher confining pressure, the new main drive seal structure shows better sealing ability, and the maximum sealing pressure reaches 1.95MPa when the compensation pressure is 7MPa. At the same time, the analysis shows that the sliding of the contact surface and the sinking of the matrix have significant effects on the sealing effect. In practice, the pressure compensation in advance can effectively improve the sealing performance.


