
Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Partial Offloading of Multi-DAG Applications in the Internet of Vehicles

  • 摘要: 针对边缘计算环境下车联网中多个有向无环图(Directed Acyclic Graph, DAG)型应用的部分卸载问题,提出一种基于深度强化学习的部分卸载算法。首先,以最大化时延能耗的综合效用为目标,给出了DAG应用的部分卸载模型;然后,采用执行优先级算法将DAG应用转化为序列结构,用于确定DAG应用中各子模块的执行优先级。在此基础上,设计了基于RNN的序列到序列网络作为策略网络。最后,将多DAG应用的部分卸载问题转换为单DAG应用的部分卸载问题,基于深度强化学习实现多个DAG型应用的部分卸载。实验结果表明,在相同的卸载场景下,所提算法实现的综合效用优于基线算法,提高了车联网的服务质量。


    Abstract: A partial offloading algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed for the problem of multiple Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) type applications in the edge computing for Internet of Vehicles (IoV) environment. Firstly, a partial offloading model for DAG applications is proposed with the goal of maximizing the comprehensive utility of delay and energy consumption. Then, an execution priority algorithm is used to convert DAG applications into a sequential structure for determining the execution priority of each sub-module in DAG applications. On this basis, a seq2seq network based on RNN is designed as policy network. Finally, the partial offloading problem of multiple DAG applications is converted into a single DAG application, and the partial offloading of multiple DAG type applications is implemented based on deep reinforcement learning. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better comprehensive utility than baseline algorithms in the same offloading scenario.


