
Hydrogen production by water electrolysis: Advances, challenges and future prospects

  • 摘要: 实现全球碳中和是各国在2050年制定的重要目标之一,旨在减缓气候变化的不良影响. 氢能作为一种极具潜力的清洁能源,凭借其高能量密度、零碳排放、可再生性强等特性,被视为实现能源转型与应对气候变化的重要载体. 为了实现这些目标,利用电解水制取氢气已经成为解决全球碳中和问题的重要关键方案之一. 本文综述了碱性电解水、质子交换膜电解水、阴离子交换膜电解水和固体氧化物电解水制氢技术的最新进展,并对这四种电解水技术的工作原理、结构特点以及优缺点进行了详尽比较. 此外,总结了电解水制氢催化剂材料的研究进展,尤其是新型材料的开发与结构优化,旨在提升材料的催化活性与稳定性. 讨论了海水电解制氢和耦合制氢等新兴技术,强调通过电解质组成优化、高效双功能催化剂开发及利用小分子氧化反应热力学优势,可有效提升电解水制氢效率和系统稳定性. 最后,提出了电解水制氢技术的发展趋势与未来研究方向,包括提升催化剂性能、降低电解过程能耗、开发新型电解设备等,旨在促进电解水制氢技术的进步,助力全球碳中和目标的实现,并为未来的研究提供参考与指导.


    Abstract: Achieving global carbon neutrality is one of the key targets set by countries in 2050 to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. As a clean energy with great potential, hydrogen energy is an important energy solution for this transition because of its high energy density, zero carbon emission, and strong renewability. Electrolytic water hydrogen production has emerged as a key solution for achieving global carbon neutrality goals. This paper investigates the progress and potential of various electrolysis methods, including alkaline water electrolysis, proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis, anion exchange membrane (AEM) electrolysis, and solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC) electrolysis, alongside emerging technologies such as seawater electrolysis and coupled hydrogen production. Alkaline electrolytic water hydrogen production technology occupies an important position in industrial applications owing to its high maturity, low cost and reliability, yet it faces challenges such as current density and gas cross-mixing. PEM technology, known for its high current density, gas purity, and compactness, is hindered by high costs and material corrosion. AEM technology offers cost benefits by avoiding precious metal catalysts and being compatible with low-concentration electrolytes; however, its development is still in the early stages. SOEC technology is promising for its high efficiency at high temperatures but is still in the experimental stage owing to issues such as catalyst deactivation and equipment lifespan. In addition, innovative methods such as seawater electrolysis and coupled hydrogen production offer a sustainable hydrogen production path, although seawater treatment poses technical challenges. Coupled hydrogen production, which links with other small molecule oxidation reactions, improves hydrogen production efficiency but requires further advancements in electrode material selection and reaction rate optimization. Moreover, research is focused on electrolyte additives, such as sulfates, carbonates, and other anionic inhibitors, to improve electrolysis efficiency and reduce corrosion. In catalyst development, new materials and structural improvements are under exploration for improving catalyst activity, stability, and cost-effectiveness. By optimizing system design and component synergy, electrolysis technology for hydrogen production is developing toward improved catalyst performance, reduced energy consumption, and efficient equipment. In particular, integrating electrolytic hydrogen production with renewable energy systems, such as solar and wind, offers an environment-friendly and economical hydrogen production model. In summary, this paper summarizes the current achievements and challenges in electrolysis technology for hydrogen production and provides a valuable reference for future research directions. As science and technology progress, electrolysis technology for hydrogen production will significantly contribute to global carbon neutrality. Governments should implement more supporting policies to promote the commercial application and market growth of this technology, ensuring that it can play a more important role in the future energy transition.


