
Microwave drying kinetic characteristics of yellow phosphorus-like materials

  • 摘要: 类黄磷物料的干燥是大多数工业应用中必不可少的步骤,目前,传统干燥方法存在能耗高、效率低等问题,而微波干燥因其加热效率高、节能降耗明显、过程易控等优点,成为一种有前景的干燥方法. 本文研究了初始质量、初始含水率和微波功率对类黄磷物料微波干燥过程的影响,并计算了干燥效率(η)和单位能耗(Qs). 结果表明,在质量为50 g,含水率为40%,微波功率为360 W的条件下微波干燥效率最大为21.51%,单位能耗最低为10.99 MJ·kg−1. 采用四种薄层干燥动力学模型(Page、Modified page、Simplified Fick’s diffusion和Wang and Singh)对黄磷物料的干燥实验数据进行拟合和分析,Modified Page模型最适合描述类黄磷物料微波干燥过程. 通过菲克第二定律计算水分子在类黄磷物料中的有效湿份扩散系数. 当微波功率为360~900 W时,有效湿份扩散系数为1.00×10−10~1.64×10−10 m2·s−1. 根据微波功率与活化能的关系,计算得到微波干燥类黄磷物料的活化能为5.95 W·g−1. 利用COMSOL Multiphysics软件建立多物理场耦合有限元模型,模拟电磁场和温度场的分布情况,研究不同微波功率和加热时间对类黄磷物料干燥特性的影响,发现随着微波功率的增加,电场强度随之增加. 本文将实验研究与理论计算相结合,为微波高效干燥类黄磷物料提供一定的理论基础和参考价值.


    Abstract: Yellow phosphorus is an important industrial raw material used in pharmaceuticals, food, pesticides, the military, and the chemical industry, significantly impacting the economy. The drying effect is the most important aspect that affects the material properties. Traditional drying methods are often inefficient and energy-intensive, while microwave drying offers unique heating advantages, making it a promising alternative. This paper explores how initial mass, moisture content, and microwave power influence the drying process using microwave technology. The study examined how varying initial mass, moisture content, and microwave power affect the drying characteristics of materials. It calculated the microwave drying efficiency (η) and unit energy consumption (Qs) under different conditions. Results indicated that increasing the initial mass and moisture content enhances the microwave’s drying efficiency and reduces the unit energy consumption. However, as microwave power increased, the microwave drying efficiency gradually decreased, while the unit energy consumption gradually increased. When the initial mass increased from 20 g to 50 g, drying efficiency rose from 6.58% to 13.12%, while unit energy consumption decreased from 34.33 to 17.20 MJ·kg−1. Similarly, increasing initial moisture content increased from 20% to 40% improved efficiency from 12.36% to 19.15%, unit energy consumption decreased from 14.28 to 11.70 MJ·kg−1. The results showed that the maximum microwave drying efficiency (η) reached 21.51% and the minimum unit energy consumption (Qs) was 10.99 MJ·kg−1 at a mass of 50 g, a moisture content of 40%, and a microwave power of 360 W. Furthermore, this efficiency and energy consumption were consistent when the initial moisture content ranged from 20% to 40%. Four thin-layer drying kinetic models were used to fit the relevant experimental data, revealing that the Modified Page model was the most suitable for describing the microwave drying process of the material. Surface diffusion coefficients of water molecules were calculated under different conditions, and activation energy was derived from these coefficients. The maximum diffusion coefficient was 1.29 × 10−10 m2·s−1 for an initial mass of 40 g, 1.53 × 10−10 m2·s−1 for an initial moisture content of 30%, and 1.64 × 10−10 m2·s−1 for a microwave power of 900 W. The activation energy was calculated to be 5.95 W·g−1. Using COMSOL, simulations of the electromagnetic and temperature fields under varying microwave power conditions were conducted. The electric field intensity increased with higher microwave power, rising from 8.13 × 104 V·m−1 at 360 W to 1.15 × 105 V·m−1 at 720 W. In the experimental phase, increased microwave power reduces the time required for drying, and the temperature field distribution aligns with experimental results, effectively describing the drying process under microwave influence. This provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the efficient drying of yellow phosphorus-like materials.


