
Collaborative manufacturing in the steelmaking–continuous casting section using intelligent technologies

  • 摘要: 在阐述炼钢–连铸区段协同智造技术架构的基础上,本文从工序/装置的过程制造到炼钢–连铸区段制造进行了较为系统的建模研发,首先,在工序/装置层构建了转炉炼钢、钢包精炼和连铸的工艺控制模型;其次,在工序衔接层和生产计划与调度层构建了多工序协调控制模型,并通过研发关键工序工艺控制模型、生产计划与调度模型、制造执行系统(MES)同动态知识图谱和数字孪生系统之间的数据接口,实现了MES与生产工艺、流程运行、生产计划与调度之间的有机融合与动态协同,以及认知知识图谱的自主进化和虚拟空间孪生体的可视化运行;最后,完成了从炼钢–连铸区段工序/装置层到计划与调度层再到系统综合层最终到认知知识图谱和数字孪生系统的全方位建模研发. 通过机理模型、数据模型与专家知识的协同驱动和虚实模型间的双向交互联动,以及多工序的横向协同与多层级之间的纵向协同,实现了炼钢–连铸区段的协同运行与动态决策. 本文从炼钢−连铸流程全局出发进行了系统创新与实践,研究成果对冶金工业高端化、智能化、绿色化发展具有重要的参考价值,对流程工业企业智能制造也有很强的借鉴意义,可为钢铁工业发展新质生产力、解决“卡脖子”问题提供强有力支撑.


    Abstract: The steelmaking–continuous casting section is a critical part that determines the quality of steel products. It highlights the characteristics of matter state transformation, matter property control, and mass flow management during steel production. The production process is highly complex and involves intricate physical and chemical reactions, as well as heat and mass transfer processes between multiple components. Additionally, there is a coupling of the temperature field and flow field within the high-temperature molten metal reaction vessel. The process is also marked by high dynamics, nonlinearity, and significant uncertainty. The regulatory mechanism is not well understood and is easily influenced by factors such as raw material composition and process operation, which leads to complex operational control and significant fluctuations in product quality and makes it difficult to achieve collaborative manufacturing with intelligent technologies in the production process. Therefore, it is urgent to break through key technologies such as data cognition and production decision-making in the steelmaking–continuous casting process. This would help promote high-quality, efficient, green, and low-carbon production while enhancing the digital and intelligent capabilities of the steel industry. According to the technological framework for collaborative manufacturing with intelligent technologies in the steelmaking–continuous casting section, this study explores various scales, including the unit device scale, workshop process scale, and steelmaking–continuous casting process scale. A comprehensive system level was established by integrating and synthesizing data levels, process device levels, process interface levels, and planning and scheduling levels. In-depth research was conducted on vertical and horizontal collaborative intelligent manufacturing across these different levels and processes. Systematic modeling and development were performed from process manufacturing at the process/device scale to the manufacturing at the steelmaking–continuous casting section. First, process control models for the converter, refining, and continuous casting processes were developed at the process/device level. Subsequently, a multi-process collaborative control model was constructed at the process linkage, production planning, and scheduling levels. The comprehensive integration and dynamic collaboration of manufacturing execution system (MES), process control, process operation control, and production planning and scheduling systems were achieved through the development of key process control models, production planning and scheduling models, and data interfaces between MES, dynamic knowledge graphs, and digital twins systems. Additionally, the autonomous evolution of cognitive knowledge graphs and the visualization of virtual space twins are successfully realized. This effort involves comprehensive modeling and development, which progress from the steelmaking–continuous casting section’s process/device level to the planning and scheduling level. Ultimately, it reaches the system integration level and encompasses both cognitive knowledge graphs and digital twin systems. The study enables collaborative operation control and dynamic decision-making for the steelmaking–continuous casting section by leveraging mechanistic models, data models, and expert knowledge synergistically, along with bidirectional interactions between virtual and real models and horizontal and vertical collaboration across multiple processes and levels. The results provide a significant reference value for the intelligent, green, and high-end development of the metallurgical industry. They also offer valuable insights for intelligent manufacturing in process industries and contribute substantially to advancing new productive forces in the steel industry and addressing critical challenges.


