
Analysis of true triaxial mechanical behaviour and energy dissipation of backfill under different unloading rates

  • 摘要: 为探究复杂应力环境下卸荷速率对充填体力学行为及失稳破坏机制的影响,本文设计了3、4、6、8 kPa?s-1四种不同卸荷速率,采用真三轴实验系统进行了充填体加卸荷实验。同时,基于能量耗散原理分析卸荷速率对充填体能量分布的影响。采用CT扫描实验获取了不同卸荷速率下充填体裂纹信息并进行了定量分析。结果表明:卸荷开始后,充填体进入屈服阶段。充填体的真三轴卸荷强度随着卸荷速率的增大而减小。卸荷速率显著影响充填体的应变响应。其中σ2和σ3的等值点以及σ1峰值点是重要的应力状态变化点。随着卸荷速率的增加,充填体峰值应力点对应的弹性能占比逐渐减小。而耗散能占比随卸荷速率的增加而增大。卸荷作用改变了充填体内裂纹分布,卸荷裂纹与σ1σ3平面、σ1σ2平面同时相交,且卸荷裂纹与σ2方向夹角随卸荷速率增大而增大。真三轴实验中充填体裂纹扩展方向以σ3方向为主,且损伤百分比随着卸荷速率的增大而增大。


    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of unloading rate on the mechanical response of the backfill and the destabilisation damage mechanism under complex loading conditions. Four different unloading rates of 3, 4, 6 and 8 kPa-s-1 were designed. The backfill plus unloading experiments were carried out using a true triaxial experimental system. The influence of the unloading rate on the backfill energy distribution was analysed based on the energy dissipation principle. The backfill crack information under different unloading rates was obtained and quantitatively analysed by CT scanning experiments. The results show that the backfill enters the yielding phase after the start of unloading. The true triaxial unloading strength of the backfill decreases with increasing unloading rate. The unloading rate has a significant effect on the strain response of the backfill. The equivalence points of σ2 and σ3 and the peak point of σ1 are important stress state change points. As the unloading rate increases, the percentage of elastic energy corresponding to the peak stress point of the backfill gradually decreases. And the percentage of dissipative energy increases with the increase of unloading rate. The unloading action changes the crack distribution within the backfill. The unloading cracks intersect both the σ1σ3 plane and the σ1σ2 plane. And the angle between the unloading cracks and the σ2 direction increases with the unloading rate. The direction of crack propagation in the true triaxial experiment is dominated by the σ3 direction. And the damage percentage increases as the unloading rate increases.


