
SDPA algorithm for dynamic active energy metering of a smart electricity meter

  • 摘要: 风能、太阳能等间歇式能源的引入和工业生产中大功率动态负载的增加,使得智能电网电力负荷越来越多呈现出大范围随机频繁波动的特点.动态负荷的增加对智能电能表的有功电能测量带来新挑战.传统的测量算法是针对稳态负荷而提出,因此无法解决智能电能表动态计量性能的改善问题.本文在传统MA (moving average)算法的基础上提出一种SDPA (segmented dot product accumulation)动态有功电能测量算法,该算法可在一定程度上减小动态功率条件下的测量误差.首先,分别讨论了传统MA和ⅡR (infinite impulse response)滤波器算法的动态响应速度和动态电能误差特性,指出两种算法对动态输入信号测量的局限性,并理论分析了影响各自动态计量性能的因素.以此为基础,提出智能电能表有功电能动态测量的SDPA算法,通过将待测的动态功率信号按周期截短、分段执行点积运算、并累加求和的方式实现动态测量.另外,通过按周期抽取的算法实现方式可以大大减少存储空间、提高运行速度.理论和仿真结果表明,与传统MA和ⅡR滤波器相比,SDPA算法在动态响应时间为一个基波周期的前提下,动态电能测量可达到较低误差水平.


    Abstract: The power load of the smart grid fluctuates increasingly high and rapidly because of the introduction of intermittent energy, such as wind energy and solar energy. As a result, the increase of the randomly fluctuating load in the smart grid brings new challenges to the active power measurement of smart electricity meters. However, the installed power meter and the standard electricity meter are designed for a steady input signal. The traditional MA (moving average) and ⅡR (infinite impulse response) measurement algorithms are proposed for the steady situation and are thus not suitable to address the dynamic error testing and metering problems. Moreover, although some harmonic experiments have been performed that provide an overview of domestic and internal standards of electricity energy meter, there is a lack dynamic characteristics in them. Thus, it is of great theoretical significance and application value to study the dynamic measurement characteristics of the existing smart electricity meters and propose an effective dynamic measurement to improve the metering dynamic performance. To reduce the measurement error of a smart electricity meter under dynamic load power conditions, a SDPA algorithm for dynamic active energy measurement was proposed in this work. First, the dynamic response speed and dynamic error characteristics of active power of traditional MA and ⅡR low pass filter algorithm were deduced. Next, the limitations of the two algorithms for dynamic input signal were highlighted, and the influence factors were determined by theoretical analysis. Based on these results, a SDPA algorithm for dynamic measurement of smart electricity meter was proposed. The new algorithm was implemented by truncating periodically, executing piecewise point product operation and summing up the active power. In addition, the implementation method by decimation can save storage space and improve the operation speed. The theoretical and simulation results show that the SDPA algorithm can reach a lower error level in one period of response time.


