
Analysis of main factors affecting NOx emissions in sintering process

  • 摘要: 在烧结烟气脱硫治理取得成效之后,烟气脱硝迅即摆上钢铁企业的环保治理议程.在尚无经济有效的末端治理脱硝工艺的前提下,有必要在烧结生产中进行工序过程控制,从而保持烧结烟气NOx排放质量浓度处于较低水平.本文通过统计解析的研究方法,系统分析了2013至2014年宝钢实际烧结过程中原燃料条件参数、工艺条件参数对烟气中NOx排放质量浓度的影响规律.研究结果表明:适当降低赤铁矿的使用比例,提高烧结粉、返矿的配比,提高钙质熔剂中石灰石的使用比例,降低镁质熔剂使用比例,保持烧结矿较高的碱度水平,强化制粒提高料层透气性,坚持厚料层烧结等措施均有利于抑制烧结烟气NOx的排放质量浓度水平.


    Abstract: After effectively controlling the desulfurization of sintering flue gas, steel companies are now putting denitration on their agendas. In the absence of an economically viable and efficient end-of-pipe de-NOx system, it is necessary to control the sintering process to reduce NOx emissions. In this study, the influence of raw material and process condition parameters on NOx emissions was statistically analyzed with data from Baosteel's sintering production during 2013-2014. The results indicate that NOx emission levels associated with the sintering process can be lowered by decreasing the percentage of hematite, raising sintering fines and the return fines ratios, and enhancing the cold-air permeability, calcium ratio, and sintering bed depth.


