The Direct Measurement Method of Conductivity Different Depth Method
By taking the exact size of the conductivity cell as well as the resistance values at diffevent depth, the conductivity was calculated using the following equation:\\beginarrayl\sigma = \frac12\pi \Delta \rmh\rm(\frac\rm1\rmR_\rm2\rm - \frac\rm1\rmR_\rm1\rm)ln(\frac\rmD_\rm2\rm - m\rmD_\rm1\rm - m\rm \bullet \frac\rmr_\rm1\rmr_\rm2\rm)\\\rmor\\\sigma = \frac\rmK^*\Delta \rmh\rm(\frac\rm1\rmR_\rm2\rm - \frac\rm1\rmR_\rm1\rm)\endarray\Therefore, the procedure of demarcating the constant of the conductivity cell by using a know solution can be omitted.With this new mefhod, the experimental procedure has been simplified and the results proved accurate.